Royal Tokaji Essencia is one of the world’s most concentrated sweet wines and only 2,300 bottles of the 2003 vintage are available worldwide. We are now serving this 2003 vintage in a hand-blown crystal spoon with a specially created dessert, currently the only restaurant in Britain to offer the experience, after a renowned U.S. restaurant in Sacramento.
Essencia is an iconic sweet wine and our Head Chef, Igor Tymchyshyn, has worked alongside Head Sommelier Gaetano Giangaspero to develop a wonderful dessert of Citrus and Bourbon vanilla crème brûlée, sorbet, which complements it perfectly.
Vanilla crème brûlée, pistachio, raspberry and sorbet with a serving of 2003 Royal Tokaji Essencia, £25.
For more information or to book a table please email us or call us at 020 7616 8000.